jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

A few pictures of me :3

hi everyone, well ... I make this blog to share some things about me, I thought it would be fun to show people from other countries who I am, and i know that I'm not the only one "scenel", but it would be nice to meet people like me.

I'm scene, I like to skate, play instruments, dressed in bright colors, dye my hair, to paint, makeup, styling other people, and make up other people and... just...  lots of things .

I really would like to know more people like me ... where I live, there are no exist directly.

So here if you scene or emo, I really would like to meet you n.n and share ideas, and stuff!

APART from being scene (which had start recently) I had always been otaku, practically since I was born, since my sister made ​​me watch sailor moon xD lol

I have 16 years old, born on April 7 and I'm from a country with many problems... but is cute :3

I leave a small photo and an introduction n_n ...

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